Ethical & Governance Codes


An overview of the fundamental Group Policies and Directives that govern relationships within the company and with other related parties.

Our guiding principles
Our responsibility to ensure compliance
Report violations
Treat employees with respect and protect human rights
Compliance with Laws, Rules and Regulations
Communication and Financial Information
Dealing with conflicts of interest
Protection and proper use of company assets
Protect information
Protect the environment
Our obligations as responsible citizens of society

We, at INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT CONSORTIUM (IIC) LTD, hereinafter IIC, share the commitment to conduct business with the highest level of integrity and ethics. IIC, has always been characterized by conducting its business with the aforementioned values of integrity and ethics. Operating in accordance with a strong sense of integrity is critical to maintaining trust and credibility among our customers, partners, employees, shareholders and other related parties.

For all of us, creating an environment of transparency in the development of our business is one of the most important priorities. Our Code of Business Ethics is our promise to operate candidly and truthfully in our agreements and communications to the marketplace.

We expect our group to operate in accordance with the principles set out in this Code and that everyone, from members of the Board of Directors and the executive management team to every single employee, is accountable in complying with these guidelines.
Our Code of Business Ethics contains rules related to individual and peer responsibilities, as well as responsibilities to our employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders, and other related parties, including:

• Compliance with laws, rules and regulations (including laws regarding insider trading)

• Protection of confidential information and any other private domain, and that of our customers and suppliers.

• Protection and proper use of company assets.

• Treat employees with respect and protect human rights.

• Try to avoid conflicts of interest.

• Promote full, fair, accurate, periodic and understandable disclosure of financial reports and other public communications.

• Environmental Protection

• Encourage reporting of any illegal or unethical behavior.

Our responsibility to ensure compliance

We all have to study and follow this Code, and also comply with all applicable laws and with the policies and directives of IIC. Failure to comply with the above, may lead to civil and criminal liability and cause the imposition of disciplinary sanctions, among others. , the termination of the employment relationship. We give our managers additional responsibility. They must, through their actions, demonstrate the importance of complying with the rules. Leading by example is very important, as is making yourself available to employees who have ethical concerns or want to report potential violations. Managers have to ensure that Managers are required to ensure compliance with this Code by using appropriate disciplinary measures. You cannot turn a blind eye to unethical conduct.
The possibility of exemption from this IIC Code of Ethics could be granted in certain cases, but exclusively in extraordinary circumstances. Waivers to this Code requested for employees may only be granted by a member of the Group’s Management Team. The exemptions to this Code for our executives, President-CEO or any other senior position with responsibility for financial information may be granted only through our Board of Directors or the relevant Committee of our Board of Directors.

Report violations
We encourage you to report to your manager, or in accordance with the locally established process, any conduct that you believe, in good faith, constitutes a violation of the law or of the IIC Code of Ethics. If your line manager is involved in the situation you want to report or cannot or has not been sufficiently concerned about your suspicions, then you should report it to a higher level manager or follow the locally established procedure. Management is expected to treat this matter seriously and to work to ensure the satisfactory resolution and values of the Group and with any other regulatory obligations or established by local legislation.
You may also report any concerns related to questionable accounting or auditing matters, including suspected violations related to accounting, internal accounting controls and auditing matters by those holding relevant positions in the management of accounts and audits and they would have had an oversight in line with the internal complaint procedure that can be found in the Reporter or communication.

IIC will not accept any type of discrimination or retaliation against employees who have reported alleged violations in good faith.
Treat employees with respect and protect human rights.
In order to protect human rights and promote fair working conditions, workplace safety, responsible management of environmental issues and high ethical guidelines, our Code of Conduct shall apply to the production, supply and support of products and IIC services, worldwide.

Any person who works for IIC. He must enjoy her basic human rights and may not, in any way, be forced to suffer physically or mentally as a consequence of her work. We recommend that all employees be free to form or join the peaceful and legal associations of their own choosing and should have the right to bargain collectively. IIC, does not accept the labor of minors.
No employee should be discriminated against, among other reasons, because of their race, color, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, religion, political opinion, nationality, ethnic origin, social origin, social status, disability, age or belonging to a union.

All employees should know the basic terms and conditions of their employment. We recommend that all employees with the same experience, performance and qualifications receive equal pay when performing the same jobs and under similar working conditions.
The health of workers and safety in the workplace must be a priority concern at all times. This applies to any aspect related to working conditions, including labeling and handling of chemical substances, noise levels, temperature, ventilation, lighting and its quality, and access to sanitary facilities.

IIC supports the United Nations Global Compact initiative that covers areas such as human rights, labor standards, environmental management and anti-corruption. In order to clearly present this commitment to employees, suppliers, customers and other interested parties, our Code of Conduct is based on the ten principles of the Global Compact and is available to the public.
Suppliers and their subcontractors must comply with the Code of Conduct and verify such compliance.

Compliance with laws, rules and regulations IIC.
You must comply with all laws and regulations applicable to your business. When we conduct IIC business, a number of legal issues may arise. It is the responsibility of each employee to seek appropriate advice on legal requirements and other relevant legal matters.

International Business: There are specific laws and regulations that apply to our involvement in international business. Employees involved in foreign business transactions must be aware of and comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the foreign country. IIC employees involved in international business must, for example, be aware of the relevant export and import regulations, anti-boycott regulations, trade embargoes and current sanctions.

Antitrust: IIC, is dedicated to promoting fair competition. Fair competition is the basis of business development and innovation. All IIC employees must compete in the open market as vigorously and constructively as possible, while complying at all times with the relevant law of each of the countries in which IIC operates. Matters related to antitrust law should be dealt with jointly with the Group Function Legal Affairs, which is responsible for managing and coordinating such matters when action is taken by a court or other authority, take any action or deal with them in any other way.

Preparation of financial and accounting reports: IIC, has the duty to strictly follow accounting standards and principles, to make complete and accurate financial reports and to have adequate internal controls and procedures that ensure that the preparation of financial and accounting reports comply with the law and regulations. You should do everything possible to support the company’s efforts in this regard.

Legal Use of Privileged Internal Information (Insider Trading): all IIC employees must act in strict compliance with all the pertinent rules and regulations on the use of privileged information and acquisition and negotiation of any kind
Making use of internal information, you are not allowed to disclose internal information belonging or not to IIC to anyone, including family, friends, co-workers or others who do not need said information to carry out their duties within IIC.
“Inside Information” is confidential information that typically has a material effect on the selling price of products and bids in question.

Communication and financial information
It is important that you have a good understanding of your department’s financial and operational performance so that you can become more involved in improving operations. This must be in balance with the IIC’s financial disclosure policy and with the legal requirements whose legal framework is found in different documents, such as the rules for the use of internal information, listing rules and reports and exchanges. IIC’s obligation to comply with these requirements defines the way in which information that may affect the price of the products must be managed. Any comments on performance and financial prospects to any external party must be made exclusively by an official spokesperson authorized by the Spokesperson Board and in conjunction with activities supported by the Group Function Communication corporate function.

Authorized spokespersons are appointed as external representatives of the company. You must not make, on behalf of the company, any comments about iic or its businesses to the media, investors, financial or industry analysts, external consultants, or through Internet chat rooms or in any other public forum without the consent of the corporate function of Group Communication (Group Function Communication).

Employees involved in financial reporting shall provide full, fair, accurate, periodic and understandable disclosure through the
reports and documents that IIC submits to government agencies, authorities and in other public communications.
Dealing with conflicts of interest

At IIC, our business decisions are based on the best interests of the Group and not on personal factors or relationships. A conflict of interest arises when something interferes with or influences an employee to make independent decisions based on the best interests of IIC. We must avoid any situation where our personal interest may be, or even may simply appear to be, in conflict with the interests of the Group.

Here are examples of situations to pay special attention to:

Business opportunities: you cannot benefit yourself from the business opportunities that you discover while performing your obligations in IIC, if said act could go against the interests of IIC. In addition, you may not use IIC property or information or your position with IIC for personal gain.

Second job: any job outside the IIC, with or without consideration, should not affect their obligations in the IIC. You must not become involved in outside business interests that take time and attention away from your IIC responsibilities or require you to work on them during your IIC hours. Avoid any potential conflict of interest by not accepting any work from any company of IIC’s suppliers, contractors, agents, customers or competitors.

Membership of boards of directors or other external affiliations.
Membership on a board of directors or similar body for a for-profit company or government agency if it creates a conflict of interest. Your manager must first approve these types of charges. Being part of company boards or non-profit community organizations does not require prior approval unless there is a danger of a conflict of interest with IIC.
Membership of boards of directors or other external affiliations.
Membership on a board of directors or similar body for a for-profit company or government agency if it creates a conflict of interest. Your manager must first approve these types of charges. Being part of company boards or non-profit community organizations does not require prior approval unless there is a danger of a conflict of interest with IIC.

Political Activities: IIC will not make contributions or payments or endorse in any other way, directly or indirectly, any political party or individual politicians or committees. You may not make any political contribution on behalf of IIC, or through the use of the funds and resources of the company.
Gifts, benefits, reimbursements and entertainment: IIC employees. They may not offer or accept gifts, benefits, reimbursements or entertainment to/or from third parties that may constitute an infringement of the law or that may affect, or appear to affect, the professional judgment on the execution of the relevant work for IIC or a third party.
Bribes, blackmail, etc.: no one may, directly or indirectly, request or accept, offer or give any kind of bribe, blackmail or any other illegal or unethical benefit to employees or other representatives or associates of IIC or third parties. Group Management must be informed immediately of any such offer or proposed arrangement.

Disclosure of conflicts of interest: IIC, requires employees to indicate situations or transactions that could reasonably be expected to give rise to a conflict of interest. If you have any suspicions and believe that you are involved in a transaction or any other agreement that represents a conflict of interest or in something that others could reasonably understand as a conflict of interest, you must inform your direct manager according to the established corporate organization chart or the interlocutor appointed for this purpose by the Good Governance Committee. Your manager and designated contact person will work with you to determine if there is a conflict of interest and, if so, how best to manage it. Although transactions or arrangements that present conflicts of interest are not automatically prohibited by law, some such transactions or arrangements may be undesirable, and for certain individuals, such as senior management, may require approval from the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors or of a shareholders’ meeting before carrying out such transactions or agreements.
Protection and proper use of company assets
IIC owns a wide variety of assets, including physical assets, proprietary information, and intellectual property. You have the duty to protect the IIC property that has been entrusted to you and to help protect the IIC assets in general. To do this, you must know and understand the IIC security policies. You must be alert and report any loss or risk of loss of an IIC property. to the security department or its manager, as soon as it becomes aware of it.
Below, we present some instructions for handling external and internal information, communication systems and intellectual property.
Intellectual property: Intellectual property includes different properties, such as computer programs, technical documentation, and inventions. Certain intellectual property is, or may be, subject to special protection through copyright, patent rights, trademark rights, etc.
Intellectual property is a very important asset for IIC and must be treated with due care. You should follow and, when in doubt, seek instructions on how to act to protect this valuable asset.
Intellectual property that you produce during your employment is transferred and assigned to IIC. by law and/or by virtue of your employment contract or other agreement, with the exceptions established in international conventions and laws and in your contract with IIC.
Use of IIC’s communication systems: IIC’s communication systems, including Internet connections, must be used to carry out IIC’s business or for other secondary purposes that have been authorized by its manager or by any Group Board of Directors. , as well as some relevant instructions. Make sure at all times that you follow the instructions regarding the handling of the passwords and PIN codes that have been assigned to you.

Illegal uses of IIC’s communication systems include processing, sending, extracting, accessing, viewing, storing, printing or disseminating fraudulent, harassing, threatening, illegal, racist, sexual, obscene, threatening material and information, defamatory or, in any case, not related to professional conduct, as well as contrary to the applicable legislation.

Upon termination of the employment relationship with IIC: you must return all IIC assets, including documentation and any media containing IIC private property information. You are not permitted to use or disclose IIC’s proprietary information.

protect information

Protect the confidential and proprietary information of IIC and our customers and suppliers IIC employees. they have access to information owned by IIC and on some occasions IIC employees have access to information owned by IIC and on some occasions also to information owned by third parties. Such information may contain financial data, business strategies, technical information, employee and customer information, or any other type of data. Unauthorized access, use or disclosure may harm IIC. or to any third party and, therefore, you are not allowed to access, use or disclose the information unless you have been duly authorized to do so. If in doubt about your authorization, ask for instructions.
Here are some rules that will help protect IIC information.

1. Do not disclose to other information than IIC. has not made public except for:

(I) people who work for IIC have access to this type of information in their workplace and have a justified reason to know it,

(II) any other person authorized by IIC as recipient of said information or

(III) people to whom you, in accordance with your job duties, must communicate such information.

2. Do not access, duplicate, reproduce or make use, directly or indirectly, of private domain information beyond what is necessary for the performance of your duties and work at IIC.

3. If you become aware of any use or mistreatment of confidential information, promptly notify your manager and fully cooperate with IIC to protect such information.

4. Do not store IIC information. on private computers or other media not provided by IIC.
5. If you need to take information out of the IIC facilities or work centers to fulfill your work tasks, you must return said information once the tasks are carried out outside the IIC facilities. have finished. You should not store information at home or anywhere else.

Protect the environment
The environment is a very important matter for us and for our associates; IIC has been actively working for many years to minimize the ecological damage it may cause. The Group’s main environmental objective has been to reduce the energy consumption of its products and offer our customers the most energy-efficient products on the market.
The environmental management system is based on ISO 14001 and is integrated into the IIC Group Management System. The set of IIC’s environmental actions are achieved thanks to the implementation of the Group’s Environmental Policy, which makes IIC commit to:
• Increase awareness
environment among all its employees.

• Continuously improve our environmental performance.

• Meet or exceed legal environmental requirements.

• Use life cycle techniques as guiding tools.

• Use “design for the environment” to achieve real results.

• Cooperate with the supply chain to avoid environmental risks.
Check in often with related parties to get constructive feedback.
Your duty is to deal with environmental issues professionally while helping IIC to develop and implement the inherent business opportunities offered by our energy-based industry to help create a more sustainable society.

Our obligations as responsible citizens of society.
We strive to be responsible citizens in the communities where we do business, which requires us to be sensitive to social and environmental concerns and to respond accurately and relevantly to questions stakeholders may have.

IIC, as a leader in its developments, believes that the products and services it offers have the potential to provide enormous benefits to society. At the same time, it is important to behave in a socially and ethically responsible manner. We care about the people involved in making and supporting our products and services. We strive to increase productivity while minimizing our environmental impact on the societies in which we operate.
It is important to know that the brand IIC. it is always associated with respect for human rights, with fair and safe working conditions and with an environmentally friendly business practice.
IIC supports the United Nations Global Compact initiative that covers areas such as human rights, labor standards, environmental management and anti-corruption.
They sign in the name and representation of IIC.


Presentation Glossary of terms

Identification and Nature
Commitment to the Aims and Objectives of the Institution
Ethical principles
Institutional values
Groups of Interest of the Institution
CHAPTER ONE: Policies for the management of the Institution Managers Responsible for the Code of Good Governance Commitment to the Aims and Objectives of the Institution Commitment to Management Responsibility with the Delegation Act
CHAPTER TWO: Relationship policies with external control bodies Policy Regarding External Control of the Institution
Commitment to Integrity
Commitment to the Promotion of Ethical Practices
Actions for Integrity and Transparency
Inter-institutional Collaboration in the Promotion of Ethical Practices
Commitment to the Protection of Intellectual Property and Copyright.
CHAPTER TWO: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT POLICY Commitment to the Protection and Development of Human Talent.
Commitment to Public Communication
Commitment to Organizational Communication
Confidentiality Commitment
Commitment to the Circulation and Disclosure of Information
Engagement with the Government Online


Commitment to the Community
Information and Communication with the Community
Commitment to Accountability
Attention of Complaints and Claims
Social Audit

CHAPTER SEVEN: POLICY ON CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Practices that must be avoided for the Prevention of Conflicts of Interest Duties of Public Servants, related to Conflicts of Interest Prohibitions for Personnel regarding Conflicts of Interest
Commitment to Transparency in Public Procurement
CHAPTER NINE: POLICY WITH ECONOMIC UNIONS Transparency and Co-responsibility

Composition, Nomination and Period of the Members of the Good Governance Committee Profile of the Members of the Good Governance Committee and Fulfillment of their Duties and Attributions of the Good Governance Committee
Validity of the Good Governance Code
Dissemination of the Code of Good Governance
Reform of the Good Governance Code

© IIC 2023